- How many people do you know who are successful 6-7 figure earners in network marketing?
- What are the top differentiating factors between successful & unsuccessful people in network marketing?
- You’ve transformed hundreds of thousands of lives through this industry, what is your most touching, inspirational story, someone in your down line whom you helped?
- You build a massive down line in NuSkin, do you think it would be easier in Essanté Organics & why?
- What do you think is the biggest obstacle for network marketers & why insight can you offer to overcome it?
- If you could give one word of advice to a network marketer what would it be?
- Share one tip that helps network marketers overcome their fears?
- Do you think it’s best to call, email, Facebook, text or meet someone when sharing their company/products?
- What is the best way to have a successful meeting, a meeting that anyone can do?
- What is the worst way to give a meeting, the thing that sabotages a meeting, the thing to avoid?
- What was your biggest setback or darkest time in your network marketing career & how did you persevere?
- You had to motivate yourself, as did your wife, to take daily consistent action how did you each accomplish this?