Call and Video Schedule
- Invite guests to events to improve their health and/or income, and to grow your Customer base, Brand Partner base and income.
- Would you like an email reminder to join us for LIVE Monday Mentorship? Great! Click below:
The Schedule - Add to your smartphone now under Essanté Organics
LIVE Monday Mentorship: 1 (832) 225-5222 (6p PT / 7p MT / 8p CT / 9p ET)
Dial in every Monday night to experience LIVE business and product trainings for you and your guests. Add the above to your calendar now as a recurring event. Dial in LIVE every Monday night to start your week powerfully. Your success hinges on how well you stay connected to your Essanté Organics family, and LIVE MONDAY MENTORSHIP is where we everyone in Essanté Organics says Hi and connects!
24/7 Quick Video Tour:
What will your guests discover when you send them the video link (above)? A company with a passion for the planet and its people! This video is the #1 shared tool in all of Essanté Organics because it shares the toxic problem, the organic solution, the company, the mission, the products and how well we pay for referrals - all in 12 minutes flat! Add this video link to your smartphone now under Essanté Organics and share it often.
24/7 Quick Audio: 1 (618) 355-1448
Everyone has a phone on them, including you. Next time you're with a guest ask them to check out the greatest organic products on earth, or the highest paying work-from-home careers on earth! Dial the number (above) and put it on speaker or place the phone up to your guest's ear. When they're done listening ask, "So, what was your favorite part?" Add the above number to your smartphone under Essanté Organics and share it often.
Soundcloud Replays
We recommend you subscribe to Soundcloud, at the base of your website, right now. All product and all business audio replays are housed on Soundcloud and each is very easy to share. Additionally, each product audio is housed inside your SHOP under each product. As you share any RETAIL product you'll automatically be sending the product audio and product video. That was easy! Try it now. Head to your website, enter your RETAIL SHOP, find Sparkle Toothpaste, Click the image, then look for the social share buttons. Share it to your social media page today!